Friday, December 14, 2018

6mm Science Fiction - What's Out There (Certainly Not an Exhaustive List)

Hello everyone, I wanted to do these list articles first because I felt all of us 6mm lovers of games like Dirtside II, Future War Commander, Strike Legion, and Iron Cow, just to name a few, could use a comprehensive (or as comprehensive as I can make it) list for where to find 6mm Science Fiction miniatures, and more importantly, whether they are a good "bang for the buck".

This list isn't an endorsement of anyone, just my own observations and thoughts about what's out there for the 6mm Science-Fiction gamer. This article, by necessity, will be a "living list" so as to cover things as I become aware of them. If there's a manufacturer I missed? Let me know and I will do a blurb and link for them.

So, let's get started:

Ground Zero Games:

Wombat APC taken from GZG's Future War line, picture from Texas Wargamer's Blog

Ground Zero Games has been around for a long time, and they're still a pretty prolific bunch in their 15mm and Starship lines. Their 6mm has been stagnant of late, (but I think they've produced everything there is to make) but the models they put out in both their Dirtside Miniatures, and Future Wars lines (I own a bit of it) are downright nice. Prices for those of us in the US are a bit high, with the conversion to the pound, and shipping, but the nice part is Jon at GZG runs a lot of specials, and he's mastered some sort of wormhole that gets anything you order to you within two weeks, which considering the usual wait I have had for things ordered from overseas, it arrives faster sometimes than some domestic shops. Quality of the miniatures is uniformly good, and I have never been disappointed with a GZG sculpt from any of their lines. Their website is easy to navigate and order from, all marks of a top notch company.

Brigade Models:

Hammer's Slammers in 6mm from Brigade Models, image taken from Brigade Models website

Brigade Models also has a nice, prolific line that supports both the Hammer's Slammers Crucible rules, as well as the Iron Cow 2103 rules/universe as well. You don't have to use either rules sets with the miniatures, and many of the designs are varied, and unique. I have several of the AmRep and ONESS miniatures, as well as a horde of Hammer's Slammers vehicles I got second hand, and I am impressed with the quality of the sculpts. Pricing is given in US Dollars, British Pounds, and Euros, and shipping is not very painful at all. In short, I also recommend them for someone looking to build an army, and the AmRep and ONESS figures are pretty awesome.

Galahad GEV from Ogre, image taken from Steve Jackson Games website

Steve Jackson makes a small line of miniatures to support the Ogre game. I haven't had a chance to see/touch the new plastic lines that come in the sets, but I have seen the older ones (and have a few incomplete GEVs, does anyone have a supply of the "H" shaped blower units?) but SJG also markets individual metal vehicles (but not Ogres, sadly), for between $3-5 a pop. I will admit it's a bit pricy, but if you've got an army of the older Ral Partha Ogre lead miniatures, and you're looking to fill in some holes, it's not too bad for a small buy. If you want larger armies, buy the sets. They're a bit pricy as well at $50 a set, but you get a lot for it. The website is simple to navigate and order from, and SJG's customer service is among the best in the industry. 

Demolisher Tank
Demolisher from Battletech, made by Iron Wind Metals, image taken from Iron Wind Metals website

Iron Wind Metals is an outgrowth of the old Ral Partha miniatures line, and they make most, if not all of the lines Ral Partha did. Their 6mm line is strictly focused on their Battletech efforts, and if you want large anime-style walkers, then look no further. Their vehicle selection is a bit sparse, and some of the vehicles look weirder than others. The minis themselves are also not cheap, with the above pictured Demolisher going for almost $12 for one miniature! To be fair, some of the other vehicles are packaged two to a pack, but it still breaks down on average to $6 a vehicle. But, you do get a nice sculpt for the price, and the website is fairly easy to navigate and order from. It's a source of 6mm here in the US (but not the only one) and thus, you do save on shipping. Ral Partha UK also carries these miniatures, so our cousins across the pond aren't going to have the same problem we would ordering from a UK manufacturer. You can also get them at reduced prices at Aries Games and Miniatures, or second hand at BV Traders. I recommend both companies highly.

Puma LODAV from Darkest Star Games, picture taken from Darkest Star website

I cannot say I have purchased anything from these guys, so I cannot comment as to what they're like, but I must say, they have a neat 'Hard-Sci Fi" look that I really, really like. They have two humanoid races (the Federation and the Venturians and the Khiff). I detect a lot of "Traveller meets Albedo" sort of armies here. Prices are very manageable, with 3 vehicles for $7.50, or $2.50 a vehicle. Infantry runs $ 0.40 a strip of 2, so $5.00 would get you a lot of infantry for any rules set. The website is a snap to navigate, and as a US based company, shipping would be a snap, I don't know about how it would be for folks across the pond, but I suspect not cheap at all.

Irregular Miniatures:

Selection of Irregular 6mm Sci-Fi, picture taken from Irregular website.

Irregular has its fans and detractors. The sculpts are of average quality, but they are on the cheaper end of the spectrum, with the most expensive vehicles being $3 a vehicle for the most expensive vehicles, but there are Combat Walkers at $15 and a Dust Worm at $22 (Anyone for Dune in 6mm?). The UK wesbite is setup to take Paypal, but most Americans should probably do business with Silver Eagle Wargame Supplies, they're in CT and I've bought some Irregular 15mm stuff on occasion.

Scotia Grendel:

Abrams 2000 from Scotia Grendel website

The Scotia Grendel line is mainly re-manufactured historical miniatures, with a few new items, but a lot of it looks pretty good, the guns are sometimes a bit over sized for my taste, but a lot of the 2000 line would work for "near future" stuff. The 3000 is air cushion, and the 4000 is Grav (Not nuts about the 4000 stuff at all). I have bought from the website with little trouble, but they did send me a couple of wrong pieces on occasion. Prices are $1.20 approx per vehicle, with infantry being cheaper. For those of us in the US, we have BV Traders beginning to carry the line as well.

Bradley Miniatures:

Stalker Missile Tanks from the Bradley Miniatures range, Taken from the Alternative Armies website

I don't know too much about Bradley, except that I rather do like the look of them. They have the hard-sci fi look I prize, they look like logical progressions of today's tech, and could fit into a variety of sci-fi universes. Prices are $12 for four, a bit pricey, but the quality of the sculpts looks good, and they are a stateside concern, so shipping won't be too bad. The website is a snap to navigate, but sadly, many items are, at this time, out of stock (Perils of being a small company).  But, as they restock, I will give them a try and tell you all more about them later. In the UK, they are marketed through Alternative Armies.

UPDATE: Alternative Armies asked me to let everyone know that they do have a full stock at all times of Bradley Miniatures products.

Khurasan Miniatures:

Red Eagle MBT, Taken from Khurasan website

I do rather like Khurasan's 15mm Science Fiction stuff, as I have a shed-ton of it, but I have never tried their 6mm kit. Their stuff looks really good for what's out there, and at $2.29 a vehicle, it's pricy, but not overly so. Ordering via the website is a snap, they seem to paint up well as the website and my friend, Ty Beard, on his Texas Wargamer Blog demonstrates. Shipping might be a bear for those across the pond, but if the 15mm vehicles are any guide? I'd say get some, especially the Nova Respublik stuff, as I really like it.

Pathfinder Recon Vehicle, Taken from CP Models Website

I know CP well from their 20mm efforts, of which I enjoy greatly. CP Models does a fairly decent sized range, with some (GASP!) civilian models! I was impressed to see that, and from the website, they paint up well, especially the Regional Defense Force models, and the Grav VW bus! I don't own any, but they are on the "to-do" list, though shipping is probably a killer, and at $2.82 a vehicle, it's a little pricy if you throw in the international shipping (The GBP does a number on us in the United States). But, I really like the looks of some of this range, and as I get things filled out on the sci-fi end, these models will be looked at. The website is really easy to order from, and I can vouch for their customer service and friendliness personally.

Scarab MBT, Image taken from Strato Miniatures website

Strato Miniatures is a newcomer, part of the brave new world of 3-D printing that is taking the miniatures world by storm. They're based out of Poland, and they got their start doing some rather neat "reinterpretations" of various Battletech 'Mechs with different names. I've bought a bit of their stuff, and I have yet to find something I've hated. Sculpt quality has been good, and the prices for vehicles, at $3-4 per, is pretty reasonable for what you get. Give them a shot, especially if you're looking for Mecha for your 6mm armies! The website is a snap to order from, and the owner is really easy to track down on FB and on email.

CinC Miniatures:

Heavy Hover Tank, image taken from CinC website

I can't say I have a ton of CinC's science fiction line, except for some Renegade Legion Grav Tank hulls that are in need of turrets that I got second hand in a junk bin. I do have quite a bit of their modern micro armor. The molds are as a rule, crisp, utilitarian, and affordable. The gun barrels are a bit brittle, but if you're careful, they should not be an issue. Prices run about $1-$1.50 a vehicle, and their line for Renegade Legion should give you all the Grav Vehicles you could want. The website is easy to use and order from, and I think you'll like what you get from them. Give them a try!

Vanguard Miniatures:

Eloi Elevated Infantry figures, Image taken from Vanguard Miniatures website
The Vanguard Miniatures line can be summed up in one phrase "Warhammer 40K in 6mm". It's not my cup of tea personally, but I do think the sculpting quality is nice, and the website is easy to navigate. The price point is $8.19 for 40 figures and 4 heavy weapons for your average infantry pack and $10.08 for three vehicles. It's a bit pricy, and with shipping not too bad, but compared to Citadel prices, it's probably a whole lot cheaper.

Terran PPF Enforcers, image taken from Onslaught Miniatures website.

Onslaught Miniatures has some really neat looking stuff. It has some stuff that is very "5th Element-esque" along with some other even more fantastical stuff. Their alien infantry lines would do well for any aliens with a more low tech bent, but I really like the above Enforcers as well. The line is a bit on the costly side, at $6 for 25 infantry, and the vehicles being an average of $12 to $14 for three vehicles, but I do like the sculpt qualities. And, shipping for those of us in the US is pretty easy on the pocket, so it should not be too hard on the wallet to build a small army from some of these lines. All in all, it's worth me looking into it.

Scarab APC platoon
Scarab APC taken from Microworld Games website

This line has a lot going for it, affordability, a neat "hard sci fi" look, and it's in the US, so for us 6mm guys, it's a real boon for us. I don't own any sculpts, but they look pretty nice and are probably a hoot to paint up. The website is easy to navigate, and with prices ranging from $8-$13 for a pack of three (breaks down to about $2.50-$4 a vehicle, which is comparable to most lines out there). In short, probably cannot go wrong with these guys.

1 comment:

  1. Good List. I've got mostly 15mm, but I am planning to expand my 6mm forces so I can play Dirtside II.
